
Jack Kinsky


There is an eventful history behind the label Jack Kinsky and its founder of the same name: born in New Hampshire in 1953 as the son of Czech immigrants, he learned the saddler's trade from his father at an early age. As there was less and less demand for his services in the dying lumberjack trade in New England, he eventually signed on to a freighter and ended up in Hamburg. It was here that he met Pia, who would later become Frau , who encouraged him to set up his own business in the Schanzenviertel district in 1984. Initially, Kinsky mainly carried out repairs, but over time more and more customers asked for custom-made products. After a while, he decided to launch his first own collection on the market, which was a complete success. Today, his label still stands for cases and wallets of the highest quality, inspired by the robust leather products of lumberjacks and named after all the places that Jack Kinsky has explored on its adventurous travels.