Who we are
For over 130 years, we have been carrying on the traditional values of our family business for generations. Get to know us and our philosophy!
5 questions for...
Heinrich Zumnorde
Heinrich Zumnorde has been with the company since 1975.
Heinrich Zumnorde
Service-oriented, upscale genre, locally grounded.
Our customers can walk into our stores blindfolded and always get the best value for money. We consistently pay attention to the fashion statement of the collections and combine this with a unique quality promise.
5 questions for...
Thomas Zumnorde
Thomas Zumnorde has been with the company since 2011.
Thomas Zumnorde
As an "official slide tester", I was integrated into the family business at an early age. Alongside school, I helped out in our Zumnorde men's department on Saturdays and earned my first pocket money. After studying business administration in Bayreuth, I attended the technical university in Venice, specializing in training shoe modelers and designers, and gained practical experience through internships in various shoe factories in Italy. Back in Germany, I worked as a buyer at the Otto Group - a great time with lots of insights and great mentors before I joined my family's company in 2011.
Proximity in every respect is an essential component of our company's success - to our customers, our employees and, of course, to our products.
5 questions for...
Bruno Zumnorde
Bruno Zumnorde has been with the company since 2020.
Bruno Zumnorde